Builder Tips


Here, I've collected a bunch of commonly asked questions, and then answered them.  If you can't find what your looking for, go to my robot links page.  I have many other sites that also have FAQ's

Q: How do I attach a sprocket, pulley, etc, to a shaft?

A: Well, you could always use a setscrew, but these generally cannot withstand the forces involved to hold it on.  A better way to go would be to drill a hole though the pulley (or sprocket) and the shaft, and pin it on.  The best way would be to get a keyway cut into the shaft and the pulley or sprocket, and put a key inside.  A keyway is basically a slot, and a key is like a bar of metal.  See diagram below.


Q:  How can a mount a drill motor inside my bot?

A: Drill motors are great to use!  You get a (powerful) motor, battery, and charger all in one package, and for a decent price.  But mounting them is a real pain.  You could always just leave the motor inside the case, and stick a shaft in the chuck.  Other people my machine custom mounts, or get a nearby machine shop to do it.  Its all up to you, your abilities, and wallet.        


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